I’m a reader. I come from a long line of readers.
Although it was long ago, I still remember my first day of first grade and being taught to read my first words. From there, I was eager to read my first book: the Bible. I had read it end-to-end by the time I was ten.
This made me an expert at collecting gold stars in Sunday School. I was shown where to stand (doctrinally); I could do no other.
But I’m a reader, from a long line of readers. I learned and believe I became good at how to inspect the written word for meaning. I was taught how to ask questions: what is actually said by the words that are there? What is said by the words that are not there? Who wrote it and why? And it turns out that the biblia, particularly the records of Jesus, the Christ, have an extraordinary depth, worthy of writings deemed holy.
Scriptures are so deep, the doctrines I had been told came from them have more-or-less drowned in them. Too often, they turn out to be human explanations or perspectives whose divine validation evaporates the more one examines the Writings. And then, on the other side, as one investigates and considers, sometimes something entirely else and fitting suddenly forms. To me, it feels like God just kicked in a door of my understanding.
Anyhow, this blog is a record of some of that experience. May you be blessed to have God kick in a few doors of your own.